Powerful manifestion

We are having a rainy start to the day, so I thought I would share a little about the upcoming new moon on August 8. (8.8)This is considered one of the luckiest days of the year! And 2 weeks later we are having a full blue moon, giving us a very powerful month for manifestation.

This particular new moon is supercharged and brings the opportunity to cultivate healing in the body, expansion of spiritual wisdom while awakening us to our true potential.

It amplifies our ability to manifest and co-create, so now is the time to start “feeling” what our heart desires. One of the keys to manifesting is to imagine what you want coming to you, then let go of the outcome and feel happy in the moment now.

Because this is a powerful time, it may bring feelings of anxiety. You may feel your nervous system feels a bit antsy like you have had a lot of caffeine.

My flippered and feathered friends said, “Take time in nature to ground and center yourself, be flexible and open to change as exciting possibilities and new opportunities come your way.”

Wishing you a wonderful week of manifesting!


Trust your intuition to guide you